A few months ago I looked at a picture of my son and I, enjoying the lazy river at a water park over the summer, and immediately thought of the message relayed at church that day. No matter the higher power you believe in, I think anyone who believes can relate to this powerful message. I have come so far, as a person, a professional, a mother, a single parent, a daughter, a sister, a lover, a being..... And only by the grace of God. He could have given me more...he also could have given me less. But what he has given, and continues to give, to both me and my son, is SUFFICIENT.
I have great days, and not so great ones, easy days, and extremely hard ones, exhausting days, and carefree ones. I thank God for His grace, His mercy, His lessons, His challenge, His reprieve....for health, and a healthy, smart, lively child for whom I am ALWAYS able to provide...for a balanced life! It is only through His grace and mercy that I have survived, that I have won the battles so far, to share my story and testify!
The Message: Grace is unmerited help from God. While faith is man’s action towards God, grace is God’s action towards man. If we continue to have faith in Him, He will prove to us that His grace is sufficient for us to have life and have it abundantly. He looks out for us when we don’t even look out for ourselves!
Wherever your beliefs lie, and whoever restores your strength, renews your mind, soothes your spirit, calms your soul, you must always remember that the POWER of that source is sufficient! My source is God, who never fails me.
“Give us our DAILY bread” - He gives us blessings and assistance in proportion to our daily needs and what we can handle. Amen
From my heart to yours: Allow your spirit to be enlightened by your higher power. By His grace and mercy I have superwoman/mom powers, I am balanced, I am blessed, and I am fearless. How about you?